Tuesday, 15 December 2009


When we chose the song, the fact that it was a pop punk song intrigued us, we planned on having a fast song that wasn’t too serious. We decided to keep to convention and base the video on punk/pop music videos. If we broke out of the convention by making the shots slower, it would not work as well.

In true pop punk style we tried to incorporate as much destruction and chaos the environment we settled on filming in gave us. The good thing about working inside this genre is that a lot of the props used and footage was opportunistic and didn’t need to be as well planned. For instance running about and having fun didn’t need to be planned down to the last detail, as there were many improvising opportunities. This is true of youth culture. Young people don’t worry and run around un-afraid of a consequence, which suggests what audience the video is aimed at in terms of audience. If we had made the video too destructive we would scare away the audience, which in my opinion is mainly teenage girls and younger teens in general.

Our audience feedback from our rough cut gave us a lot to think about and improve on in preparation for our final piece. Without the feedback we received, the product wouldn’t be half as good as it is now. Our main problems after our rough cut were that the shots were too long; seeing as the song was fast paced we needed to cut the duration of the shots down. Another problem was the lack of good angles types and shot types as they all seemed to be pretty static. We took all this on board and re-shot a lot of footage.
When the final cut was uploaded we got more compliments than criticisms, the main one being that it had improved on the rough cut, which we can all agree on. Another criticism was that the video had no narrative whatsoever. We agree with this and we said from the beginning we didn’t intend to have a narrative, as the song type did not demand it.

The Internet played a crucial part in helping us make our video. Updates during the video creating helped us keep a check on where we were with deadlines and progress. Also it helped us find images for our digipack and compilation board in the planning stages of our products.
Final cut made our video, including cutting clips together and syncing the video with the music track and ultimately putting everything together in our production stages. YouTube helped us out also through the Internet, it helped us to find our inspirations from videos which have already been created for instance “Get smashed, gate crash” by Hadouken and “First date”, Blink 182. The partying and messing around influenced the themes of our music video, which were mayhem and destruction.

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